This Product Privacy Statement.
This Product Privacy Statement is a commitment by this application to protect the personal privacy of its users. In view of the characteristics of the network, this application will inevitably interact with you directly or indirectly, so hereby explains the collection, use and protection of personal information of users of this application policy, please be sure to read carefully:
1、 Non-personalized information of users
We will collect non-personal information through your IP address, such as the nature of your browser, the type of operating system, the domain name of the ISP that provides you with access to the service, etc., in order to optimize the pages displayed on your cell phone screen. By collecting the above information, we conduct traffic statistics to improve the management and service of the application.
2. Personal Information
2.1 When you register as a user of the Product, or participate in public forums, etc., with your consent and confirmation, the Application will ask you to provide some personal data in the form of a registration form. Such personal data may include:
2.1.1 Personal identifying information: such as name, gender, ID number, telephone number, mailing address, residential address, e-mail address and other circumstances.
2.1.2 Personal background: such as age, occupation, education level, income status, marital, family status, etc.
2.2 Please understand that the Application will not utilize the information you provide to participate in the specific activities of the Application for other commercial purposes (except for the Application's use to improve and enhance the quality of services) without your consent and confirmation. The only exception to this is when disclosure is required by government and law as stipulated in Article 6 below.
3. Information Security
3.1 The Application will strictly manage and protect the information provided by you, and the Application will use appropriate technology to prevent your personal information from being lost, stolen or tampered with.
3.2 The Application commissions professional and technical personnel to perform computer processing of such data on behalf of you when necessary, in order to meet the needs of the era of professional division of labor. If the Application sends you a notice of computerized processing and you do not expressly object to such processing within the time specified in the notice, the Application will presume that you have consented to such processing. However, you still have the right to request to stop the computer processing as stipulated in Article 4.1.4 below.
4. User Rights
4.1 You have the following rights with regard to your personal data:
4.1.1 To inquire and request access at any time;
4.1.2 To request supplementation or correction at any time;
4.1.3 Request for deletion at any time;
4.1.4 To request the cessation of computer processing and utilization.
4.2 In response to the above rights, this application provides you with relevant services, you can send an e-mail to:
5. Principle of Restriction of Utilization The Application will only utilize the collected personal data beyond the necessary scope if one of the following conditions is met:
5.1 Your written consent has been obtained;
5.2 In order to eliminate the urgent danger to your life, body or property;
5.3 To prevent significant harm to the rights and interests of others;
5.4 In order to promote the public interest and not to jeopardize your vital interests.
6. Disclosure of Personal Information
Disclosure of Personal Data When the governmental authorities require the App to disclose personal data in accordance with legal procedures, the App will provide personal data to the law enforcement agencies upon request or for the purpose of public security. In this case, the application shall be exempted from liability for any disclosure.
7. This product provides you with services such as personal space, blogs, and posting comments. In these areas, any information you publish will become public information. Therefore, we remind and ask you to carefully consider whether it is necessary to disclose your personal information in these areas.
In addition to the exclusion of liability set forth in Article 6 above, the Application shall not be liable for any of the following events:
8.1 Any leakage of personal information due to your sharing of your user password with others or sharing of your registered account with others.
8.2 Any leakage, loss, theft or tampering of personal data due to force majeure affecting the normal operation of the network, such as the Year 2000 problem of computers, hacking, invasion or attack of computer viruses, temporary closure due to governmental control.
8.3 Personal data leakage caused by other applications linked to this application and any legal disputes and consequences arising therefrom.
The right to modify or update the privacy statement of this application belongs to this product.